May 2013 updates

New students: Nicole Ruiz joined the lab as an NLM training grant student via the Department of Biomedical informatics. Her interest is genomic medicine. Keith Simmon joined the lab and is focussed on NGS approaches for infectious disease diagnostics.

New research avenue: The lab has begun a collaboration with Catherine Staes (Utah) to work with ontologies for public health problems and I am also co-leading a CDC workgroup with her for the reportable conditions knowledge management system. This collaboration so far has lead to 2 conference papers (a trip to Maui and an upcoming trip to Montreal). BMI student Jason Jacobs did a great job of querying LOINC for me as part of our project.

New grants: We have a new subcontract for an SBIR which is exciting and we are now are part of a large variant annotation consortium.

Even more students next year: I was involved with admissions for the molecular biology graduate program again this year and am pleased to announce a bumper crop of new students.

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