miRNA updates

Trends in Genetics has just released miRNA Nomenclature:AView Incorporating GeneticOrigins, Biosynthetic Pathways,and Sequence Variants, a collaborative opinion paper with T. Desvignes, P. Batzel,... Continue reading →

MCAD poster at ClinGen Decipher

Metabolic Phenotypes in the ClinGen Repositories Karen Eilbeck1, Donna Maglott2, Melissa Landrum2, Sara Velden3, MarziaPasquali3, Elaine Lyon3, Nicole Ruiz1, William... Continue reading →

AMIA paper

Catherine Staes is presenting our paper about the CDC’s reportable condition knowledge management system at the Ontology, Terminology, and Semantics, which... Continue reading →

USTAR confluence meeting

My lab attended the USTAR confluence meeting this week and Keith presented a poster titled  Taxonomer: Rapid and accurate assessment... Continue reading →

RCKMS paper update

We have been accepted by AMIA to present our paper ‘Evaluation of need for ontologies to manage domain content for... Continue reading →