The genomic CDS sandbox: An assessment among domain experts.
A new paper lead by Ayesha Aziz in the Welch lab is now available from the journal of biomedical Informatics:... Continue reading →
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah
A new paper lead by Ayesha Aziz in the Welch lab is now available from the journal of biomedical Informatics:... Continue reading →
Trends in Genetics has just released miRNA Nomenclature:AView Incorporating GeneticOrigins, Biosynthetic Pathways,and Sequence Variants, a collaborative opinion paper with T. Desvignes, P. Batzel,... Continue reading →
Duncan J, Eilbeck K, Narus SP, Clyde S, Thornton S, Staes C. (2015). Building an Ontology for Identity Resolution in... Continue reading →
After much work on behalf of Joachim Baran, the GVFO paper (GFVO: the Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology) is now... Continue reading → -NEJM
Catherine Staes is presenting our paper about the CDC’s reportable condition knowledge management system at the Ontology, Terminology, and Semantics, which... Continue reading →
A paper with the Staes lab came out today: Birth of identity: understanding changes to birth certificates and their value for... Continue reading →
The micro RNA ontology paper with the Huang lab is now available from PLOS ONE. OMIT: Dynamic, Semi-Automated Ontology Development for... Continue reading →
We have been accepted by AMIA to present our paper ‘Evaluation of need for ontologies to manage domain content for... Continue reading →
Technical desiderata for the integration of genomic data with clinical decision support. Another paper from our collaboration with the Kawamoto... Continue reading →