miRNA updates

Trends in Genetics has just released miRNA Nomenclature:AView Incorporating GeneticOrigins, Biosynthetic Pathways,and Sequence Variants, a collaborative opinion paper with T. Desvignes, P. Batzel,... Continue reading →

two new papers

Duncan J, Eilbeck K, Narus SP, Clyde S, Thornton S, Staes C. (2015). Building an Ontology for Identity Resolution in... Continue reading →

ClinGen paper now out

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26014595 -NEJM    

AMIA paper

Catherine Staes is presenting our paper about the CDC’s reportable condition knowledge management system at the Ontology, Terminology, and Semantics, which... Continue reading →

RCKMS paper update

We have been accepted by AMIA to present our paper ‘Evaluation of need for ontologies to manage domain content for... Continue reading →

genomic CDS paper

Technical desiderata for the integration of genomic data with clinical decision support. Another paper from our collaboration with the Kawamoto... Continue reading →